Interview Series
Digital Nomad (click to read): K is a young woman at her twenties who works as a product designer in New York. She is a global citizen who lives wherever she travels, settling her unsettled self from London to New York to community houses in South Africa and to unnamed towns in Peru. Despite sitting in front of her laptop she loves nature and animals, and she learns to pack light from her countless lessons on travel. She felt shy in front of others and now becomes open to talk with random new people. She is often said by her travel companions to have a pre-travel-self and a post-travel-self.
Q's Relationship: About Q and his partner. Some quotes: "I can’t imagine myself being single forever. Sorry, I am that kind of person. If I can find the right person earlier, it is much better to find a wrong person later. It is a right person who becomes the right person. At first she said she could be single forever. She is busy with work. If she didn’t meet me, she would be single much longer, she said."